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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2021
County Tana River

The 2021 CFSP is the eighth to be prepared by the County Government of Tana River. The purpose ofthis document is to provide direct linkages between policies, plans and budgets. It also provides theresource envelope and presents the fiscal framework for the 2021/2022 budget estimates over the mediumterm.This 2021 Tana River County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared in accordance with the provisionsof Section 117 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 2012. The paper specifies the broadstrategic priorities and policy goals of Tana River County which will inform the budget for the FY2021/2022 and the medium-term expenditure framework. It further gives the forecast on revenues andexpenditures and the sector spending limits as a basis for the FY2021/2022 budget and in the mediumterm. In the preparation of this FY 2021/2022 CFSP the technical team sought and took into accountviews of the Sector Working Groups, the County Budget and Economic Forum, the public, theCommission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), The National Treasury, and other stakeholders and groups.The policy objectives in this CFSP will focus on continued consolidation of gains made in previousFinancial Years for accelerated socio-economic development. This will be achieved through completionof ongoing projects rolled over from previous financial years, supporting recovery from the impact of theCOVID-19 impact and the settlement of pending bills in line with PFM Act 2012 and its correspondingregulations, Executive Orders and National Treasury directives. Further, the CFSP will focus onmonitoring and evaluation of projects to ensure that the projects attain the planned results. The strategicpriorities will be pursued across all demographics and across the three sub-counties and will ensure thatprograms and projects actively involve the youth, women, and persons with disabilities. The paper furtherproposes prioritization of project and investment completion that will bring about urbanization and growthof the county economy in line with the Second County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP II).The proposed envelope for the FY 2021/2022 is estimated at Kshs.7,151,832,272with proposed recurrentexpenditure of Kshs.4,727,925,390and a development expenditure of Kshs. 2,423,906,882.However,these are provisional figures based on the draft 2021 Budget Policy Statement (BPS) and will be firmedup in the FY 2021/22 Budget Estimates with reference to the 2021 County Allocation of Revenue Act(CARA). The expenditure ceilings observe all the provisions in the PFMA 2012, the requisite regulationsas well as the CRA guidelines.

Tags tana, river, county, budget, review, and, paper, outlook, 2020, 2021, 2021 Tana River County Fiscal Strategy Paper, Public Finance


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