Tana River County Fiscal Strategy Paper [CFSP]

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Tana River

This is the Third Tana River County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) under the devolvedgovernance structure. Its purpose is to build direct linkages between policies, plans andbudgets. It provides the resource envelope and presents the fiscal framework for the 2016/2017budget estimates and over the medium term.

This paper is prepared in accordance with the provisions set out in section 117 of PFM Act,2012. It provides expenditure ceilings for county departments, units and agencies and detailedguidelines that aim at structuring the pattern of County Government expenditure towardspriority areas. These priorities are set on the basis of review of expenditures in FY 2014/15,sector proposals, the 2016/17 annual development plan as well as County IntegratedDevelopment Plan 2013-2017.

The paper is aligned with the national objectives in the Budget Policy Statement BPS 2016 inpursuit of the aspirations anchored in the Kenya Vision 2030 roadmap to economicdevelopment. The BPS is the national policy document that sets out the broad strategicpriorities and policy goals that guides the national government and county governments inpreparing their budgets.

The proposals contained in this paper have been subjected to public participation and the viewsarising thereof incorporated in consistence with the County Governments policy of improvingtransparency and accountability. The fiscal data included is indicative and subject toadjustments during the budget preparation if circumstances change.

The policy aims at shifting more resources from recurrent to capital investment to promotesustainable and inclusive growth. Recurrent expenditure has been structured to decrease overtime as capital expenditure increase in relative terms over the medium term period. To financeexpenditures set out in this paper, the county will continue to maximize revenue collection bystrengthening and reforming the revenue collection system already in place and throughstructural reforms.

I am grateful to the division of Economic Planning and Budgeting, led by Mr. Lennox Mbwana,whose hard work and invaluable skill in ensuring teamwork led to the timely delivery of the

policy paper. Special thanks go to Mr. Harold Mwaluda, who is a United Nations Volunteer,seconded by UNDP to Tana River County for his uttermost commitment in supporting us.

I am also grateful to all Chief Officers for the valuable information they provided for theirrespective fields and for their cooperation during the period of the assignment. Lastly, I takethis opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to the County ExecutiveCommittee led by His Excellency the Governor for exemplary guidance, support and constantencouragement throughout the course of our work.

Tags tana, river, tana river cfsp, Counties / General


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