Tana River County Integrated Development Plan

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Publisher County Government
Year of Publication 2013
Category Budget & Fiscal Plans
County Tana River
Description Tana River County is one of the six Counties in the Coast region. It borders Kitui County to the West, Garissa County to the North East, Isiolo County to the North, Lamu County to the South East and Kilifi County to the South. The county lies between latitudes 00 053 and 20 041 South and longitudes 380 2543 and 400 15 East. The county has a total area of 38,862.2 Km2 with a projected population of 276,567(KNBS, 2014) and covers about 76 kms of the coastal strip. The County is composed of three administrative sub-counties namely; Bura, Galole, Tana Delta, three constituencies namely; Galole, Bura and Garsen and 15 electoral wards, The CIDP articulates medium term policies and objectives which are further translated into short term strategies, programmes and projects to be implemented under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The latter is part of the financial reforms to strengthen financial discipline, accountability and efficient and effective delivery of services to the people. 
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