The Turkana County Community Health Services Bill, 2018

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Turkana

This Act may be cited as the Turkana County Community HealthServices Act, 2018 and shall come into force on publication in theGazette or such other date as the County Executive Committee Membermay determine by a Gazette Notice.Short title &Commencement2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires County means the Turkana County;County Community Health Services Committee means a CountyCommittee established under section 13 of this Act;community health committee means a community health committeeestablished under section 16 of this Act;community health extension worker means a community healthextension worker appointed as such under this Act and does not include ahealth facility extension health worker;community health plan means a plan for community-based healthservices prepared by the community health unit committee for theimprovement of the health care of the community units or households;community health services means the package of basic health careservices provided to people in their communities and households andincludes, health education, health promotion, disease prevention andcontrol, mental health and psychosocial support services, publichealth services, emergency health and referral or linkage services,sensitization on addictions, home care, long term care, rehabilitationservices, palliative care and minor treatment for illness and injury inrelation to primary care;community health unit means an area within the County healthstructures comprising of a cluster of villages which make up a sub-location asdefined under the National Government Coordination Act or as may from time totime be designated by the County Executive committee Member.

Tags turkana, county, community, health, services, bill, 2018, 2018 Turkana Health community, County Health Services


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