Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Trans-Nzoia

This is the Fifth County Annual Development Plan and it has been prepared in line with section 126 ofthe Public Finance Management Act 2012, and as stipulated by the Article 220(2) of the Constitution.This Annual development Plan contains the strategic priority development programs and projects thatwill be implemented during the financial year 2019/2020.County Governments have a very critical responsibility to undertake in the development of the countyas enshrined in the schedule four of the Kenya Constitution 2010. The County government can onlyfulfil its mandate through the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies and strategies thatspur investment, create opportunities, enhance residents income earnings and establish an effective andefficient public service delivery system. This plan therefore outlines a short term road map of key priorityprograms for implementation during the coming financial year 2019/2020 in fulfilment of the countygovernments obligations to the people of Trans Nzoia.The priority development programs and projects set in the ADP 2019/2020 have been derived andaligned to County Integrated Development Plans, CIDP 2018-2022, National long term plan, the Vision2030,Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals. The plan aims at enhancing and acceleratingdevelopments and improving livelihoods of county resident.The preparation of this plan was done in a participatory manner involving all sectors in the County. Theprocess began by issuance of circular to all the departments. The circular contained the new guidelinesfor preparation of County Annual Development Plan from the Council of Governors and Ministry ofDevolution and Planning.The sectors program and projects were developed by the Sector Working Groups during workingsessions. The technical backstopping was offered by Economic Planning team and AHADI-USAID.Inputs from the County Budget and Economic Forum and stakeholders was included. Compiledsubmissions from the departments were submitted to the County Executive Committee Member forFinance and Economic Planning for review with the cabinet and onward submission to the CountyAssembly for deliberation and Approval. The County assembly Committee on planning and budget alsoprovided input for the development of this plan.The major projects and programs that have been identified in the Plan 2019/20 to provide thedevelopment needed to transform Trans Nzoia Countys economy include; Completion of Trans NzoiaTeaching and Referral Hospital, Construction of modern wholesale and retail market, construction ofKitale Business center, Extension of Water gravity schemes, sinking and equipping boreholes, valueaddition of agricultural and livestock products and promotion of trade and investment. Further, ECDEand vocational institutional development, provision of learning materials and equipment are among theprograms to be implemented in Education sector. Crop diversification, promotion of modern costeffective crop farming technologies including, conservation agriculture, irrigation and greenhouse,promotion of local poultry, provision of accessible, affordable and high quality health care, provisionof safe drinking water to county residents, improving the road network and institutionalization of thewomen and youth fund to develop entrepreneurial culture and to transform the county public service intoan efficient and effective work force are among other initiatives the plan has focused.This Annual Development Plan is also expected to provide the feedback necessary for carrying out themonitoring and evaluation of projects and programs so as to enable informed evidence-based decisionmaking at the County as well as National level. It is also expected that successful implementation of the xprojects/programs, contained in this Annual Plan will contribute to better delivery of County goodsand services, employment creation, faster economic growth, as well as poverty reduction in the County.My appeal is to all those who will be implementing this plan, the stakeholders and other leaders of thisCounty to provide the necessary support and cooperation to ensure that this plan is fully implementedfor the betterment of the lives of our people and ensure a brighter future for posterity of this great County.

Tags trans, nzoia, county, annual, development, plan, TRANS NZOIA COUNTY ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, Public Finance


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