Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Trans-Nzoia

This is the first Trans Nzoia County Monitoring and Evaluation Policy. The development of thispolicy was necessitated by the need to provide a policy framework for establishment of a robustCounty Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System to track the implementation of the CIDP.The policy sets out a framework for the County government to implement the Monitoring andEvaluation function within an environment of a continuously changing development landscapeand to address increased challenges of accountability, performance, quality and learning. TheMonitoring and Evaluation policy will be the key reference document to guide the design andimplementation of the county monitoring and evaluation function.As a County government, we have a clear vision of the direction the county developmentagenda should take and the results we want to help achieve. In this regard, we must be able torespond quickly and appropriately to challenges and opportunities as they emerge. The Results based management approach adopted in this policy provides a set of principles, approaches,and tools which can help us achieve these goals. With a focus on developmental outcomes andimpact, we can achieve improved sustainable livelihoods for those that we serve.To succeed in this endeavor, all stakeholders in our County development agenda shouldembrace a culture of monitoring and evaluation and advocate for use of evidence in decisionmaking. All must play their respective roles and responsibilities as stipulated in the policy. TheCounty government commits to provide all the necessary support in the implementation of theprovisions of this policy. I hope that this policy will assist us and our partners to keep track ofthe results we want to achieve and enhance accountability and learning and performanceevaluation. Working together we will steer the county to greater heights and achievesustainable development.

Tags trans, nzoia, county, TRANS NZOIA COUNTY MONITORING AND EVALUATION POLICY, County Planning & Development


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