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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Trans-Nzoia

Public Communication is indispensable in the conduct of government affairs globally. InTrans Nzoia County, therefore, the Department responsible for matters of PublicCommunication recognizes the importance of promoting, projecting and protecting itsinterests in this sphere.The overall objective of this policy is to provide a framework on the management thesector within the county, and also guide related interactions in and beyond the county. Itsets out strategies for ensuring that the residents of the county and interested investorscommunicate in a structured way.This policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions responding to key issues andchallenges in Public Communication. It seeks to provide a road-map for an integratedapproach to planning and sustainable management of Public Communication now, andfor years to come.The successful implementation of the objectives herein will firmly set the county on thepath towards effective communication for the holistic development of its people.I wish to thank all the participants in the development of this policy.

Tags trans, nzoia, public, communications, policy, TRANS NZOIA PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS POLICY, County Planning & Development


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