Trans Nzoia The Climate Change Policy Vision

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Trans-Nzoia

1 Position and SizeTrans Nzoia county is a member of both North Rift Economic Bloc (NoREB) and Lake RegionEconomic Bloc (LREC). Under the overall county vision of an outstanding agro-industrialised countywith high quality of life for residents; the county climate change policy vision of An outstanding climateresilient and sustainable agro-industrialized county, fits well within the county vision. The policymission of the county climate change policy is to enhance integrated climate change adaptive andmitigative actions for sustainable economic and socio-ecological development.The key physical features that defines Trans Nzoia County include; Cherangany Hills and Mount Elgon, two of the five critical water towers of Kenya Three main rivers; Ewaso-Rongai; Noigamaget River and Sabwani River; draining both theLakes Victoria and Turkana Mt. Elgon National Park, a key county tourism attraction and wildlife conservationThe county has a favourable climate and soils for agriculture, with three seasons in a year. It is one ofthe bread baskets of Kenya. The county is also good for livestock farming.

Tags trans, nzoia, climate, change, policy, vision, The Climate Change Policy Vision for 2021, Environmental Management


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