Publisher | Council of Governors (CoG) |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Category | |
County | Turkana |
Description | A budget is a consultative policy document that integrates the Governments plans and theavailable estimated resources. This years budget like other previous budgets has outlined thebroad departmental objectives and the resources required to achieve these objectives. This budgethas been aligned to the Turkana County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022, theTurkana Annual Development Plan FY 2019/20 and variably the Turkana County Fiscal StrategyPaper 2020, all of which have been approved by the Turkana County Assembly. It has beenprepared in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and thePublic Finance Management Act 2012 and other relevant legislations.Program Based Budgeting has improved expenditure efficiency and effectiveness by linkingfunding to results and making use of performance information to achieve that linkage. It wasdesigned to shift focus from input based budgeting to a result based budgeting in line with nationaland county government priorities. Translating the budget into programs provides stakeholderswith a basis of tracking and interrogating budgetary allocations to various government entities.The FY 2020/21 budget mirrors the Governors 5 point agenda and the National Agenda as well.To achieve this collective responsibility, the county has focused resources on Food Security,accessibility to Quality Water, Health, Education, Partnerships and Peace Building. Thegovernment has also prioritized completion of stalled/incomplete projects.This budget is prepared against a backdrop of several challenges including but not limited to thedwindling revenue as a result of the ongoing global pandemic, COVID-19, locust invasion, foodinsufficiency, growing wage bill, flooding and the insecurity menace in some parts of the county.The county government has however allocated resources to mitigate the effects of these risks.The FY 2020/21 projected total revenue envelop for the county is expected to be in the region ofKES. 15,032,757,284.00 consisting of KES 10,571,100,000.00 as Equitable Share; ConditionalGrants KES. 1,318,794,916.00; Own Source Revenue (OSR) KES 150,000,000.00 and a balanceCarried Forward of KES. 2,992,862,368.00. Because of the expected economic slowdown and theanticipated global economic recession, the OSR target has been revised down wards.Comparatively, the total projected revenue for FY 2020/21 has increased by 1% compared to FY 72019/20 revenue projection. The county government will endeavor to apply these resources tocritical and priority areas. The county government will continue to enhance Own Source Revenuestreams to improve revenue basket. The county government acknowledges and appreciates thecontinued support from our development partners. We will still call upon our development partnersto supplement the efforts of the county government in the implementation of the second generationCIDP 2018-2022.The projected revenue will be appropriated for recurrent and development purposes in theseproportions: KES 9,134,853,541.00 or 60.77% for recurrent and KES 5,897,903,743.00 or39.23% for development expenditure. The growing wage bill and the emerging currenthumanitarian issues such as COVID-19 are increasing recurrent expenditure allocation.The use of Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) has greatly improvedthe countys public financial management in terms of planning budget execution, monitoring andreporting. The county government will continue training staff and third parties such as contractorson the use of IFMIS to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the financial operations of thecounty.In conclusion, this balanced budget estimates were consultatively prepared and the views ofvarious stakeholders including the general public, County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF)members, Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), Office of the Controller of Budget anddevelopment partners have been considered. |
Tags | turkana, county, budget, estimates, fy, 2020, 21, 2020/21 TUrkana Approved Budget, Public Finance |
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