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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Turkana

The County Monitoring and Evaluation Directorates envisages to cultivate the culture ofaccountability, effective and efficient resource utilization across all the County departments. Thisis achieved through routine assessments and review of county departments commitments to thepeople of Turkana in the CIDP.Monitoring and Evaluation of these commitments is done in two main approaches, through KeyPerformance Indicators (KPI) review and Development Projects Status updates. The departmentembarked on the process of Key Performance Indicators selection through the County IndicatorHandbook development which is in the publishing stage.While it is imperative to track the KPIs and the project status concurrently, the fact that theKPIs are in the Indicator handbook are yet to be published makes it subjective to use them tomeasure the county departments performance. This report is therefore a pure project statusreport.This is expected to inform the county planning and budget allocation procedures. Underleadership of the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, the department committed to carry outa comprehensive development projects status review since inception of the County governmentin 2013. This therefore demanded that a list of projects per department and their previous statusis generated with help of the procurement department.Seven teams were then formed to represent the seven sub counties namely; Turkana East,Turkana West, Turkana North, Turkana South, Turkana Central, Kibish and Loima. With theobjective of achieving their mandate, the teams endeavored to visit all the projects earmarked forimplementation since inception of County Government and whose previous status wasincomplete or not known. The findings of the visit are compiled in this report.This report is therefore a product of the concerted efforts and contribution of many people. Thecontent of this report is aimed to benefit both directly and indirectly all sections of thecommunity. Inputs from different cadres of the government and community were drawn from anarray of expertise of institutions and professionals. Their tireless efforts and guidance haveinformed different sectors and their contributions considered in the finalization of the report. Wewish therefore to express our gratitude to all those persons and institutions that participated inthis exercise.In particular, I wish to acknowledge the role of the Governor, H.E Josphat Koli Nanok, theCounty Secretary Mr. Peter Eripete and all CECs for their continued stewardship and support. I vialso wish to recognize Accounting/Chief Officers, Directors, Accountants and Field Officers ofvarious Entities in providing technical support in this endeavor in their respectiveministries/departments.Finally, I would like to thank the County Planning Unit for their dedicated effort and findingtime within their tight schedule to partake a demanding field work to ensure this annualMonitoring and Evaluation report is realized

Tags turkana, county, deparrtment, finance, and, economic, planning, annual, monitoring, and, evaluation, report, 2018, 19, ME-JULY-2019-ANNUAL-WORD-REPORT, County Planning & Development


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