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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Turkana

This handbook has been produced by County Planning Unit, Turkana County, under its mandate ofmonitoring the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the Annual Development Plans (ADPs).It is designed to enhance managerial productivity by providing a quick reference to the key Turkana Countysocio-economic and governance performance indicators and to Flagship Projects undertaken in the period2018/19-2021/22.The handbook is intended to be a guide for all county sector institutions, from the Governance Officeresponsible for coordination, administration and general managerial control, to those responsible forimplementation and reporting. It leaves no doubt as to where responsibility for reporting on specificindicators or their sources lies. All data are expected to be consistent across time and thus to reflectaccurately on trends in the level and direction of change.The handbook is also intended for much wider circulation and use, as it is designed to assist as much inensuring county-level accountability as for setting policy direction. It is therefore a document for the public,the wanainchi, as well as for legislators, managers within the civil service, and senior officials tasked withimplementation of programs to realize the goals of the CIDP. It is also intended for use by members ofacademia and those responsible for policy analysis, for civil society and other development partners,including the private sector.The handbook is divided into three parts. Part I describes a results framework of the CIDP that will bemonitored in the county up to 2021/22, including the immediate output, outcome and impact statements.Part II contains a list of outcome statement indicators that have been carefully drafted to reflect how theCounty Government of Turkana is progressing on achieving results in its pursuit of development for thebenefit of its entire people with a sense of realism about our capacity and resource constraints.Part III comprises the Flagship Projects identified by the Turkana County Government for priorityimplementation. Some of these projects will be implemented through public-private partnerships. Regularreporting on the projects is required; hence quarterly reports will be prepared, following the first baselinereport that was produced in July 2018.Users of the handbook will note that each Flagship Project has been broken into annual implementationcomponents. This will allow executing ministries to keep track of their progress, the Service Delivery Unitto monitor progress and assist in mobilization of resources as appropriate, and the Ministry of Finance andPlanning of Turkana County to anticipate financial requirements for the projects as they progress.I trust the handbook will be widely used, including by schools and by non-governmental organizations asthey collaborate with the County government of Turkana in its development efforts.

Tags turkana, county, government, department, economic, planning, county, indicator, handbook, FINAL-COUNTY-INDICATOR-HANDBOOK-2018-2022-1, Public Finance


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