Turkana County Supplementary I Budget Estimates

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Turkana

FY 2019/2020 Supplementary I Budget Proposals is prepared pursuant to Section 135 (2) of thePublic Finance Management Act 2012, which states that a county shall prepare and submit asupplementary budget in support of the additional expenditure for authority to incur expenditure.The amount appropriated for any purpose might be insufficient or a need for expenditure has arisenfor which no amount had been appropriated. It further complies with relevant provisions of theConstitution of Kenya 2010 and is aligned to the Turkana County Integrated Development Plan(CIDP) 2018-2022, the Turkana Annual Development Plan FY 2019/20 and the Turkana CountyFiscal Strategy Paper 2019, all of which were approved by the Turkana County Assembly.This supplementary builds on this years budget theme which is Building on the milestonesachieved so far to hasten realization of the County Five Point Agenda and the National Big FourDevelopment Pillars, for economic prosperity. The overriding objectives of the supplementaryare; a) appropriate the additional revenue of KES. 644,883,332.00; b) consideration of unbudgetedeligible pending bills and; c) consideration of unforeseen emerging budget needs.The FY 2019/2020 revised revenue for the county is expected to be in the region of KES.14,912,631,144.50. up from KES. 14,267,747,812.50 earlier projected. There is a 5% increase inrevenue represented by additional Equitable Share of KES. 216,450,000.00, unremitted funds forRoads Maintenance Levy Fund (RMLF) of KES. 283,569,986.00 (FY 2018/2019) and KES.79,417,330.00 (FY 2017/2018) which are receivable in FY 2019/2020 and KES. 65,446,016.00balance carried forward for FY 2018/2019 Kenya Devolution Support Program Level 1receivable in FY 2019/2020.The projected revenue has been appropriated for recurrent and development purposes in theseproportions: KES 10,120,270,626.23 for recurrent and KES. 4,792,360,518.30 for developmentexpenditure. This appropriation complies with the fiscal responsibility provisions since itrepresents 67.86% for recurrent expenditure and 32.14% for development.

Tags turkana, county, supplementary, i, budget, estimates, Turkana County Supplementary, Public Finance


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