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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Vihiga

...This Vihiga County Environment Policy 2019 gives a framework for addressing environmental issues in the County. It gives introduction to the natural and built up environments, and the state of the environment in the context of dealing with:

(a)Loss of biodiversity.

(b)Implementation of land policy.

(c)Valuation of environmental and natural resource.

(d)Reclamation, rehabilitation, and restoration of degraded landscapes.

(e)Urbanization and waste management.


(g)Climate change and disaster management.

(h)Concessions and incentives.

(i)Valuation of environmental and natural resources.

(j)Green Energy.

(k)Climate change and disaster management.

(l)Conservation of shared natural resources.

(m)Invasive and alien species.

(n)Civic engagement.

(o)Data and information.


(q)Weak enforcement of laws and regulations.

(r)Integrated approach to development.

The National government has revised the environment policy leading to the need for review of the EMCA law. This policy aligns the environment sector to the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the National Environment Policy and existing legal framework. Further it is aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the need to address environment impacting emerging issues such as climate change, green energy development, blue economy, poverty reduction, prioritization of agriculture, mining practices, and eco-tourism. Fortunately these issues are anticipated in the Vihiga County Development Plan (CIDP) for the period 2017-2022.The natural environment is a valuable asset whose health must be guaranteed if it has to effectively support biodiversity and livelihoods. By focusing on bio-prospecting the potential for life transforming benefits sharing is real.In deriving benefits and opportunities from environmental resources, the county government of Vihiga must ensure that biological diversity, soil and water conservation are not compromised thereby ensuring improved livelihoods while maintaining the potential for provision of environmental goods and services such as wetlands functions, watershed protection and carbon sequestration.To this end an integrated approach to environmental management is paramount.The County government of Vihiga has put in place a number of policies, and Acts, and regulations which in tandem contribute to effective and efficient protection and conservation of environmental health. Among the policies referred to include: The Forestry Management Policy, The Climate Change Policy, The Agro-forestry Policy, The Solid Waste Management Policy, and The Water Policy. It is envisaged that the promotion of bamboo growing in the County shall draw direction

3from the National Bamboo Policy while ensuring legislation and regulations for the management of Eucalyptus tree species with regard to banning its growing from riparian and fragile ecosystems. In order to meet the vision and mission of the Department of Environment, Water, Energy and Natural Resources, and in realizing and appreciating the value of ensuring the health of the natural and built up environments, the citizens of Vihiga County must join all forms of initiatives for robust environmental management. For instance mass action in averting the disaster that is facing the degraded Maragoli Hills is paramount. By this approach it may be possible to reduce deforestation and degradation, and contribute to the elimination of emission of greenhouse gases. This policy does point to such actions and more. Its full implementation shall necessitate concerted efforts jointly and severally among all stakeholders.
Tags vihiga, county, environment, policy, 2019, Vihiga County Environment Policy 2019, County of Vihiga Environment Policy 2019, Environment Policy of Vihiga County 2019, Environmental Management


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