Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Vihiga

...The projects and programmes in this CIDP were identified through various consultative forums at the county level such as the ward-level public consultations as well as public consultations during the 2012-2015 MTEF Budget making process. It is expected that enhanced participation by a wider cross section of the public and stakeholders during the identification, planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes will support the achievement of the fundamental objectives of devolution which is to empower citizens to exercise their democratic rights both at the county and lower levels to realize social, political and economic development.This gives the background information on the socio-economic and infrastructural information of Vihiga County. The chapter provides description of the county in terms of the location and size, physio-graphic and natural conditions, demographic profiles as well as the administrative and political units. The chapter also examines aspects such as forestry development, climate change and the environment, mining, tourism, income generation and employment, water and sanitation, access to health and nutrition and, education and literacy.

Tags vihiga, county, first, integrated, development, plan, 2013, 2017, Vihiga County First CIDP 2013-2017, Vihiga CIDP 2013/17, County of Vihiga First Intergrated development plan 2013/17, County Planning & Development


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