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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2014
County Wajir

...This Fiscal strategy paper has been prepared against the backdrop of improving global economic prospects, underpinned by gradual strengthening of the advanced economies and continued robust growth. While fiscal and monetary policy remains supportive of growth, current projected growth rates are not fast enough to support the employment creation and poverty reduction that the county requires. The overriding policy thrust of 2014County Fiscal Strategy Paper (C-FSP), therefore, is to accelerate economic growth by sustaining macroeconomic stability; focusing on economic policies and structural reforms; and deepening investment in critical economic infrastructure aimed at promoting productivity and facilitating expansion of the private sector that will spur resilience necessary for employment creation and poverty reduction. With the enactment of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012, the budget making process has shifted to taking into consideration the reforms in the public financial management system. The law provides a clear link between the budget and the development plans. The law requires constant reporting and checks to ensure that any problems that arise when trying to spend the budget are addressed before full implementation of the budget.The establishment of the County government has also created the avenue for budgeting and planning at the county level to ensure that money is spent to improve the lives of the public and be aligned with the preferences and the wishes of the public.The County Fiscal Strategy Paper sets out the priority programs to be undertaken in the county to ensure economic transformation and shared prosperity through continued fiscal discipline and prudent utilization of public resources. The fiscal framework presented in the 2014 C-FSP will allow continued spending on infrastructure and economic development, in addition to social protection for the vulnerable groups to enhance all inclusive growth. This calls for greater transparency and accountability in public financial management at all the county departments and entities

Tags wajir, county, government, finance, and, economic, planningmedium, termfiscal, strategy, paper, Wajir county finance and economic planning medium paper, Wajir planning medium term fiscal paper, Public Finance


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