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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County West Pokot

The public finance management act 2012, Section 126(1) requires every countygovernment to prepare an annual development plan in accordance with Article 220(2)of the Constitution. A development plan refers to a summary of specific developmentproposals, projects and programmers for a given period of time. This document iscreated in conjunction with budget development. The West Pokot Annual DevelopmentPlan represents the county government ministerial priorities and developmentprogrammers proposals for 2015/16 financial year for consideration for approval by ourstakeholders after public participation and it provides a reference document during thebudget preparation process. Its contents have been extracted from the second MediumTerm Plan of Kenya Vision 2030 and our county Development Blue Print; the CountyIntegrated Development Plan as well as the report of public participation preparedduring 2014/15 fiscal year budget process. The approved annual development plan willbe shared with our stakeholders at the end of the budget process.The plan takes into account the strategic priorities for the medium term that reflects thecounty government's priorities and plans and the ever changing financial and economicenvironment. It is our expectation that the outcome of this plan is alleviation of the highpoverty levels and to stimulate job creation and wealth for county residents. This inturn will lead to improved livelihoods and socio- economic transformation.The unveiling of this annual development plan for the 2015/2016 fiscal year is a cleardemonstration of our commitment to the realization of our county vision of being theleading county in effective and efficient resource management, sustainabledevelopment and service delivery. I call upon all our stakeholders and the nationalgovernment to continue supporting us on the basis of mutual respect, cooperation andconsultation.

Tags west, pokot, county, annual, development, plan, 2015, 2016, Annual Development plan for 2015 2016 West Pokot, Public Finance


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